Well, I don't know really where to start, as you can see this is only my second blog post ever but I really wanted to be a part of Linny's crazy love prayer post so if you have a prayer request and you happen upon this brand new blog of mine click right here to link up and join in the crazy love.
Now onto my prayer requests, truely I am greatful for the wonderful things in my life and sometimes I feel like my requests are too small, then I have to remind myself that nothing is too small for God and so here it goes...
My son is suffering a rash, it is not life threatening and it doesn't seem to effect him greatly but it itches and it breaks my heart to see him so uncomfortable somtimes. The doctor has given me very little explination and they don't seem conserned but I still wonder every day if he is allergic to something I am missing or if there is anything more I could do, we have a Dr. Appointment tomorrow @ 8:30 AM so if anyone reads this early, some cooperation on getting an allergy test done or some answers would ease this mama's heart and hopefully lead to us being able to get rid of his poor little rash.
Speaking of my son, his father and I have a very broken relationship. He comes from a very broken childhood and my childhood had its ups and downs as well. Right now we are seperated and it is probably for the best, but my heart is continually broken because I want nothing more than for us to be a family. I read Linny's blog and I read about how wonderful her husband is and I long for a caring man like him. I know that Daniel has it in him but he has a lot of healing he needs to do and I just don't know what is meant to be anymore. Gods guidance and comfort would be wonderful right now. I know he is right here with me every second but sometimes it is hard for me to put one foot in front of the other when it comes to reaching out to Him and really putting my trust in Him.
Health and motivation go hand in hand for me, I want to be healthy but I need to be motivated. I have some weight I would love to loose, and just getting out there and being active would be healthy both physically and mentally for me. Sometimes I feel like I am stuck in a vicious circle, I am not motivated because I am not healthy and I am not healthy because it is hard to find motivation. I just need a jump start and strength to really stay motivated.
A good friend of our family is also dealing with the death of his son, he needs prayer and Gods comfort for sure.
My fathers health (he in particular has battled illness in his life) and the health, happiness and long life of my family and friends is definitally a prayer request as well.
Thank you all for taking the time!
In CrAzY love,
P.S. My sons name is Riley, my father is Mike and Riley's dad's name is Daniel. My family friend who lost his son, his name is Jim and his son's name is Bart. =]
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