Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Things I never thought I would do....

So I copied the idea of posting things I never thought I would do from Tiffany over @ Bleger Chaos .

and they are...
Well, to start off with I should say...
There is (to be totally honest) a whole list of things I never thought I wouldn't do when I was young but when I became a Christian they became things I never thought I would do, things that I am not exactly proud that I have done that began with falling in my walk with God(rebelling, not regularly attending church, loosing touch with people that one time meant the world to me, drinking, smoking, sex before marriage, being basically a single mom...and more) but I don't regret these things because they have made me the person I am today, and some of them have resulted in Riley's existence, and without him my world would not turn.
1. The number one thing that I never thought I would do, that I have done at the age of 26 is to lose (to cancer) the one person that was in my life and at one time she was my very best friend in the entire world, basically my sister. Although we weren't extremely close when she went to heaven, her leaving earth has shaken my world in ways I never thought the loss of a 'non'-family member could. I guess this being because she was a sister to me and nothing less, she knew my heart like nobody else even to this day, I once had a dream-scratch that-a nightmare that she passed away(years before she did) and it is to this day one of the only dreams I have ever remembered, I cried when I woke up, it was a nightmare, the thought of loosing the reality of it has been in so many ways a living nightmare. It's devastating and I NEVER thought I would go through this, during this stage in my life.
Rest in Gods arms Alisha, but know that you are so very much missed and so, so loved.

and now...the more upbeat things I never thought I would do....

2. Take 7 kids on a 10 hour road trip to campsite with a tee pee in which we would camp in for two nights with only two mommies...and we not only survived, but it was so much fun!







3. Let my son run around in a diaper {a lot}.
4. Join myspace/facebook
5. Own a Chevy
6. Desperately want to own a mini-van.
7. Walk on the River trail for fun. a lot.
8. Continue college
9. ... to be a teacher
10. Long to go to the zoo. any zoo.
11. Think that sleeping till 8:00am was sleeping in
12. Let my child drink a bottle past age 12 months 13. Give my child formula (this was out of my control, he would have starved otherwise)
14. Win stuff from blog giveaways
15. Read blogs
16. Write blog posts *especially ones with days of the week @ the end of their title.
17. Do 3 gazillion loads of laundry every week
18. Buy stuff on Ebay
19. Allow my child to sleep with me
20. Let my son's hair grow out long and shaggy because I am a sappy mommy and I'm attached to his curls.
Photobucket(after his hair 'cut')
21. Let my one year old eat sweets and such
22. Give my child probiotics and fish oil supplements
23. Live in Durango by choice
24. Look forward to nap time
25. Be licked by an elk
So with all of that being said, the following are things I have not done, but fully intend to do, asap:

1. Never smoke again
2. Finish College
3. ...become a teacher
4. Raise my son in Durango
5. Go to church regularly
6. Restore my relationship with God
7. Continue to walk on the river trail. a lot.
8. Go camping often, with as many kids/people as possible
9. Let my sons hair keep growing
10. Continue with most if not all of the things on my fun, "I never thought I would do" list! ...oh and get into shape!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Memorial Box Monday: My Cell Phone

Memorial Box Monday is a really awesome way that Linny shares what God has done in her life, the story behind the 'memoral box' is also very special and I am proud to say that I am starting my own memorial box this week, the memorial box that I won on a place called simplicity!
My memorial box moment happened the day before yesterday, and actually part of it happened the day before that. On Friday, I was looking through my cell phone and I found a picture that I wanted to put on facebook. For some strange reason the "upload directly from phone" feature never works for me on facebook, so i decided to dig around and find a mini-sd card and do it the old fashioned way, if there is an old fashioned anything that includes a cell phone that takes pictures and accomodates a 'mini-sd card'. So I put the little tiny, fingernail sized piece of technology into my phone, transfered the picture I wanted onto the card and then I heard my heart telling me to transfer all of the pictures. I I only know how to do it one picture at a time, which takes a few seconds and 5 clicks of my finger for each picture, which is fine for a photo or two but it takes a while to do that 280 times. Anyway, I listened and did it. I thought to myself, atleast I will have room to take more pictures now. I was confused as to why I was so compelled to do that, but I did it because, I was, well compelled. I thought atleast 52 times while completing this process that it was best, because a few months ago I left my phone on top of my car and drove off, promptly hurling my phone onto Candalaria Blvd. in Albuquerque at which time it was ran over dozens of times and destroyed. Luckily most of my pictures were on a tiny sd card, but I thought that the card was in the phone and also destroyed. A bit of background, my pictures, of my little boy, they are so precious to me. I was in a tizzy, a total tizzy for hours, searching up and down the BUSY road, for any sign of my phone and the tiny sd card. Not caring a lick about the phone, but only wanting to find the sd card....then I went home and found the card that I had thought was in the phone all of that time. I am quite sure that God didn't want to see me go through that tizzy again. So he told me to transfer the pictures and take the SD card out that day. The following day, I lost my phone again. I was quite sure that I had done the same thing as I did in Albuquerque, driven off and allowed it to get run over. I didn't have the panic feeling though. I drove up and down once, didn't see the phone, went on about my business...content that I would take advantage of the insurance I carry on my cell phone and thanking God over and over in my mind that I had transfered the pictures. Later in the day, I found my phone, it had ironically had a dead battery at the very moment that I was thinking I had left it on top of my car, leading me to believe that it had been run over and broken. I was happy to find the phone, and even happier that God cares enough about me to not let me have even one hour of panic, that he loves me enough that he orchestrated the situation to where I would not be in a tizzy but be greatful and content with the thought that I had lost my phone. I think I will use the 50.00 I would have paid to replace the phone via insurance to do good deeds, and pass out the crazy love cards I picked up @ church on Sunday along with the good deeds... I need to figure out what I will put in my new memorial box to commemorate this memory...a tiny phone may be? Or a mini-sd card possibly...I will find something I am sure.